Please give us a call if you have any pre-owned steel sucker rods, pony rods, sinker bars or stablizer bars you would like to sell - or - would like to purchase pre-owned / used sucker rods.
(432) 367-4149

Sucker Rod Inspection & Reclamation
Sucker Rod Guides
New Stabilizer Bars
Buy/Sell Used Sucker Rods

Post Companies PRO (PRO) specializes
in sucker rod inspection, reconditioning and plastic injection molding of sucker rod guides (PPA, PK & PPS)

Permian Rod Inspection Plant

Sucker Rod Inspection & Reconditioning

All inspection results, EMI charts and digital images of any rejects are captured and can be made available to the customer.

Precision Gauging
The magnitude of imperfections detected during inspection is evaluated using instruments such as API ring & plug gauges (go & no-go gauges), micrometers, depth gauges, dial calipers, digital calipers and gap gauges.
Electromagnetic Inspection (EMI)
After thorough cleaning, visual inspection and gauging, sucker rods are subjected to EMI consisting of a computerized flux-leakage system for detection of surface corrosion, mechanical damage and manufacturing flaws. In addition, a laser system is utilized for detection of rod body reduction as well as an eddy current device for the detection of stress-induced localized hardness variations.
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
Rod ends receive wet-fluorescent examination under ultraviolet light to detect cracks and processing flaws.
Coupling Inspection
Couplings are removed, cleaned, visually inspected, gauged and are inspected using Wet or Dry MPI. Couplings are fully dipped in corrosion inhibitor prior to being stored in boxes - ready for shipping.

Client may opt to install the couplings on its rods during inspection (see Precision Coupling Make-Up Service).
Corrosion Protection
Prior to thread protectors being installed, special thread lubricant is applied to the rod pins to prevent future corrosion. Afterwards, rods are dipped into corrosion inhibitor and furthermore color-coded according to the appropriate API grade and classification before palletizing.
Fiberglass Rod Inspection
Prior to inspection, fiberglass rods are first thoroughly cleaned. The rod bodies are then visually inspected for cracks, splits, gouges and any other defects. All end-fittings and threads are cleaned, gauged, lubricated and protected, and corrosion inhibited. Palletizing of fiberglass rods is available upon request.
New Sucker Rod Defects Title pic
Used Sucker Rod Defects Title pic

Precision Coupling Make-Up

Minimize time and money by putting on couplings the RIGHT way ahead of time.

Using our proprietary hydraulic make-up unit, a precision coupling make-up service is offered to help prevent premature connection failures as well as eliminating costly rig time and potential damage to the couplings due to handling.

Each coupling is installed using our exclusive pin neck-stretch method to exact pre-load stress of the pin with no damage to the coupling which results in a more precise make-up than the circumferential displacement method.

DEFENDER® Sucker Rod Guides

Save money and let PRO install it's DEFENDER® guide; we can even install them on your USED Rods after inspection!

Sucker Rod Guides 1
Using in-house plastic injection mold machines, PRO can offer clients the installation of molded guides onto sucker rods, fiberglass rods or stabilizer bars. The DEFENDER® guide reduces corrosion that is caused by turbulent flow and streamlines flow patterns around the guide to decrease gas breakout from fluids as well as help to maximize carrier bar loads on the down stroke.  Unlike knock-on guides which can move easily along the body of the rod, mold injected guides adhere much much tighter to the body which can eliminate field installation problems.

For the resins - we can mold PP-AF & PP-AU, Polyketone (PK) and PPS - or if you have a special thermoplastic resin that you would like to apply on your rods or stabilizer bars - please do let us know!
Sucker Rod Guides 2

Stabilizer Bars

PRO maintains stock of stabilizer bars which are guided in-house with PRO's own DEFENDER® rod guide.

Stabilizer Bars 1
Stabilizer Bars 2

New Sucker Rods

PRO maintains relationships with multiple rod manufacturers and should the client prefer, PRO is able to supply new rods to our clients.

In addition, we are able to install our DEFENDER® Sucker Rod Guide on your new rods as well, therefore less hassle for you.

New Sucker Rods with guides

Rod Guide Facility

9001 N. County Rd West

Odessa, Texas 79764


Inspection Plant

9009 N. County Rd West

Odessa, Texas 79764

Mailing Address:
Post Companies LLC
PO Box 12323
Odessa, Texas 79768

(432) 367-4149